

NAME: NUMBER: CLASS: 31/03/2008

A) Read the passage and write full answers to the questions. ( 4 pts each )

William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was born in Stradford on April 23rd 1564. His father, John Shakespeare, was an important man in the Town.
William did not come from a poor family .When he was 18 William married Anne Hataway in Stradford.
But he didn’t want to stay there.He wanted to be an actor and the best theatres were in London. So,in 1587,William went to London,where he worked as an actor in a theatre which is called The Rose. He began to write plays for the actors. He wrote Romeo&Juliet, Julius Caesar,Richard II, Hamlet...and many more. Everyone liked his Plays, and he became famous. When James I became the King in 1603, Shakespeare worked for him, performed his plays for the King.
He also worked at the famous GlobeTheatre. This theatre presented his last play Henry VIII .There was a gun in this play, and fire from the gun burned the theatre. In 1610 Shakespeare went back to Stradford. He wanted to live there with his family, but he died on April 23rd ,1610. He was only 46.

1.How old was Shakespeare when he got married?

2.Why did Shakespeare go to London?

3.What was he famous for?

4.What was the name of the first theatre he worked?

5.Who was James I?

B) Fill in the blanks with “AT / IN / ON”. ( 1 pt each )
1. We always go on holiday …….……. summer.
2. My mother usually goes shopping …………….. Friday morning.
3. I always do my homework ……………… Christmas.
4. The circus usually comes to our town ………………. spring.
5. Sophia’s birthday is …………… May 16th .
6. I usually get up ……………….. seven o’clock.
7. My favorite television programme begins …………… 6:30.
8. Sometimes it snows ……………….. winter.
9. My friend’s birthday is ……………… June.
10. Some birds and animals come out ……………… night.

C) Choose the correct tense for the verbs in paranthesis. ( 1 pt each )
1. I …………………………………………. (never / eat) Chinese food. I ………………..………. (be) very excited now because tomorrow night we ………………………………….. (go) to a Chinese Restaurant. My mother ..……………………………. (phone) the restaurant now for reservations.
2. Alice …………….………….. (be) upset last night because her father ……………………………… (not / let) her ………………..………. (give) a party at home.
3.A: Mmm. The cake ………………………..………………….. (smell) delicious.
B: Yes, my mother ……………………………………………… (just / make) it. We ……………………………………..……………..
(like / have) tea at 5:00 pm everyday.
4. Sally …………………………………… (eat) dinner last night when someone ……………………..…………….. (knock) on the door.
5. He …………………………………………… (already / learn) English before he ………………………………… (leave) for England, but before he arrived in England, he ………………………………… (forget) some.
6. Yesterday Tom and Janice ……………………………… (go) to the zoo around one. They……………………………..……… (see) many kinds of animals. They stayed at the zoo for two hours. While they ……….……………………… (walk) home, it ………….……….…….. (begin)to rain.
7- Next Tuesday at this time Lisa ........................................ (visit) her grandmother.
D) Complete the sentences with MUST / MUSTN’T or NEEDN’T. ( 1 pt each )
1. “Do you want me to wait for you?”
“No, it’s okay. You ……………………………….. wait.”
2. Smith gave me a letter to post. I ……………………………….. forget to post it.
3. You ………………..…………….. come if you don’t want to but I hope you will.
4. We have enough food at home so we …………………………………. go shopping today.
5. This book is very valuable. You …………………. look after it very carefully.
6.You have got a new skirt, so you ……………………………… buy another.
7. It’s holiday tomorrow. You …………….………………. get up early.
8. He’s ill, so he …………………..…………….. see the doctor.
9. It’s snowing. You …………………………… put on your coat.
10. You ………………………..…………. take too many aspirins in one day.
E. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given in parenthesis. ( 1 pt each )
1- Would you like …………………………………… (spend) some time in England?
2- I cannot afford ……………………………………… (listen) to loud music.
3- Jane didn’t postpone ……………….……………………… (sell) her car.
4- You should give up ……………………………………… (eat) so much candy.
5- …………………………………………… (give) presents makes me very happy.
6- Julia hopes …………………………………… (pass) the exam with a high grade.
7- Would you mind …………………….……………… (close) the window? It’s a bit cold in here.
8- I didn’t deny ………………………………………… (get) bad mark.
9- I’m very glad ………………………….…………………… (see) you again.
10- I must finish …………………………………………………… (prepare) my wall paper. It’s very important.

F.Rewrite the following sentences using WISH ( 3 pts each )
1- I didn’t have a computer.
2- I spent all my money on VCDs and DVDs.
3- My classmates talk too much.
4- I don’t take notes.
5- My roommate listens to loud music while I’m studying.
G.Rewrite the sentences using the words given. ( 3 pts each )
1- She attended an English course. She learnt it better. (after)
2- She got up then she prepared the breakfast for her children. (until)
3- I studied very hard. My parents were watching the movie (just as)
4- He composed many songs. He died. (before)
5- He left school. He went to abroad to learn English. ( as soon as )

Period: 40 minutes
Teacher of English

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