

A. Circle the correct form.
1. I’m planning (to fly/flying) to Paris next week.
2. The Browns’ house is too small. They’re considering (to buy/buying) a bigger house.
3. We discussed (to be/being) to Marmaris for our holiday.
4. You seem (to be/being) in a good mood today.
5. The Clintons can’t afford (to buy/buying) a car.
6. Deniz doesn’t like green vegetables. He refuses (to eat/eating) them.
7. Keep (to talk/talking). I’m listening.
8. Susan doesn’t like her job. She’s talking about (to get/getting) a new one.
9. Let’s go for a walk if it has stopped (to rain/raining).
10.When you finish (to clean/cleaning), can you help me in the kitchen?
11.Serdal intends (to be/being) a doctor when he grows up.
12.Nursen offered (to look/looking) after our children while we were out.
13.He pretended not (to hear/hearing) me but I’m sure he did.
14.We managed (to get/getting) to the airport on time in spite of the traffic.
15.The boss was very strict. Nobody dared (to contradict/contradicting) him.
B.Supply the appropriate form of the verbs:
1. She never admits ………………………….. (make) mistakes.
2. Please avoid …………..……………. (be) alone with him.
3. When you finish ………….………….. (do) your homework, call me.
4. She’s considering ……….……………… (be) a member of T.E.D. Club.
5. On Sundays I always practise ……(talk) English with my aunt.
6. Do you fancy …………………….. (play) tennis this afternoon?
7. I dislike …………..……………. (study) history.
8. Please try to escape ……………………….. (make) him angry.
9. I enjoy ……………..………….. (walk) in the rain.
10. She can’t afford ………………………….. (buy) a car.
11. I decided ………………….……….. (go) on Saturday.
12. Don’t forget …………………………… (tell) him the news.
13. They managed ……………………………… (pass) their exams.
14. He refused ……………….………… (see) me again.
15. Remember …………………………. (post) the letters.
1. I’ve bought / have been buying a new pair of shoes.
2. Have you finished / Have you been finishing reading that book yet?
3. They’ve eaten / have been eating fruit all afternoon, ever since they came from school.
4. I’ve been reading / have read this book now, so you can have it back.
5. I’ve been writing / have written eight pages already.
6. Your exam paper is completely blank! What have you been doing / have you done?
7. Oh, no! There’s nothing to eat. My sister has been eating / has eaten everything I left in the kitchen.
8. Oh, no! There’s no wine to drink. They have drunk / have been drinking all the wine.
9. No wonder your eyes hurt. You’ve been playing / have played computer games ever since you had your breakfast.
10. I haven’t seen / haven’t been seeing you for ages.
11. God! Hakan has scored / has been scoring.
12. They have danced / have been dancing for an hour.
1. I’m trying to study. I …………………………………………….. (try) to study for the last hour, but something always seems to interrupt me. I think I’d better go to the library.
2. The children are playing basketball right now. They ……………………………………… (play) for almost two hours. They must be getting tired.
3. The telephone …………………………………………… (ring) four times in the last hour, and each time it has been for my roommate.
4. The telephone …………………… (ring) for almost a minute. Why doesn’t someone answer it?
5. It ……………………………………………….. (rain) all day. I wonder when it will stop.
6. We ………………………………………… (have) three accidents so far this week. I wonder how many more we will have if you keep using the tools carelessly.
7. We ……………………………………………………. (live) here since last June.
8. My little son is dirty from head to foot because he ………………………… (play) in the mud.
9. What’s the matter? Your eyes are red and puffy. I hope you ……………………………… (not / cry). Oh, now I understand. You …………………………………………….. (peel) some onions.
10. Hello, Rob. I’m happy to see you again. I ……………………………………………….. (not / see) you for weeks. What ……………………. you …………………………… (do) lately?
1. Do you have ……………………………. in your pocket?
2. Bob doesn’t have …………………………… in his pocket.
3. My roommate is speaking to ………………………… on the phone.
4. Ann didn’t tell ………………………. her secret.
5. I talked to ……………………… at the phone company about my bill.
6. Jane gave me ……………………….. for my birthday.
7. Paul didn’t give me …………………………. for my birthday.
8. Did Paul give you …………………………. for your birthday?
9. My brother is sitting at his desk, and he is writing a letter to ……………………… .
10. A: The room is empty. B: You’re right. There is …………………………. to talk to here.
11. A: What did you do last night? B: I didn’t do ……………………… .
12. They won’t go ……………………….. after dark.
13. A: Does ………………………… have a red pen? B: Yes. Betty does.
14. If ……………………… wants to leave early, he or she can.
15. There is ……………………….. at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
F) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning:
Example: There wasn’t anyone in front of me in the cinema.
There was no one in front of me in the cinema.
1.They don’t know anyone in this town.They know ………………………………………………………….
2.She met no one at the bus-stop.She didn’t …………………………………………………………………..
3.You told nobody to go with you.You ………………………………………………..………………………
4.We ate nothing until dinner.We didn’t ……………………………………………………………………..
5.She told no one nothing about last night.She didn’t ………………………………………………………..
6.She didn’t tell anybody about her plans.She told ………………………………………………………….
G) Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in brackets:
1. There isn’s anything in the fridge. (nothing)…. There’s nothing in the fridge. …………………………
2. I’ve got nothing to say. (anything)……………………………………………….……………………………
3. There’s nobody at home. (anybody)…………………………………….……………………………………
4. They haven’t got anywhere to live. (nowhere)………………………………………………………………
5. There isn’t anyone outside. (no one)………………………………………………….………………………
6. We’ve got nowhere to sit down. (anywhere)……………………………………………..……………………
H) Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box:

something anything nothing everything
Mother : Would you like ………………………. to eat?
Daughter : No, thanks. I don’t want …………………….. at the moment, thank you.
Mother : But you’ve had …………………….. to eat all day. Is ………………….. all right?
Are you feeling ill?
Daughter : No. Don’t worry. ………………………. is fine. I’m just not hungry. That’s all.

☺Cemalettin ŞENER☺
English Teacher

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