


A.Change the following sentences :

1.We have to use special glasses to observe the eclipse.
(-) ……………………………………………………...
2.She has to read daily newspapers.
3.I have to go now.
4.Gülay doesn’t have to work for the state.
5.They don’t have to read a lot.

B. Answer these questions :

1.What time do you have to get up during the school holidays?
2.When do you have to study? …………………………………………………………………………..
3.What do you have to wear at school? ………………………………………………………………………..
4.How often do you have to go to school in a week? ………………………………………………………………………..
5.How many hours does a high school teacher have to teach? ………………………………………………………………………..


We use needn’t to express things which are not necessary to do :
Today is my day off, I needn’t go to work.

C. Read the instructions and complete the sentences with must, mustn’t, or needn’t :
Don’t leave disks in the disk drive.
Keep disks in their files.
You can use my disks if you want.
Don’t put drinks near the computer.
You can leave the computer on, if you want.
Lock the door when you leave.
Don’t overload your computer.
1.You ………………. leave disks in the disk drive.
2.You ………………. keep disks in their file.
3.You ………………. use your own disks.
4.You ………………. put drinks near the computer.
5.You ………………. switch the computer off.
6.You ………………. lock the door when you leave.
7.You ………………. overload your computer.
8.You ………………. read the instructions carefully.

D. Choose the correct answer from A, B, C and D.
1. Everyone .................. the law.
A. must obeys B. must to obey C. must obey D. must obeying
2. The film is excellent. You ............... see it.
A. must to B. must C. will must D. must have to
3. You must ............... over 18 to drive a car.
A. to be B. be C. will be D. are
4. You ................. in this room.
A. mustn’t to smoke B. must no smoking C. mustn’t smoke D. must to smoke
5. This is a library. We ............... quiet.
A. must be B. must to be C. mustn’t be D. must being
6. Tomorrow, I ............. finish the work.
A. will must B. must will C. will have D. must
7. She is very ill. She ............. in bed.
A. must stays B. must to stay C. must staying D. has to stay
8. I’ve got toothache. I .............. see the dentist tomorrow.
A. will must B. must will C. have to D. must be
9. He ................ his sister.
A. must helps B. must be help C. must help D. must have to help
10. It’s early! ............................. go?
A. Do you must B. Must you have to C. Have you to D. Must you

E. Look at these situations. Write a sentence for each using mustn’t, must or don’t/doesn’t have to.
1. Don’t walk on the grass. You ...................... on the grass.
2. Don’t smoke in this building. You ................... in this building.
3. You can go inside without a ticket. You ............... buy a ticket.
4. The film is very good. See it! You ........... the film.
5. You can work here without knowing English. You ............ know English.
6. It’s OK if you don’t want to help me. You ............ help me.
7. Don’t touch the paintings. You .............. the paintings.
8. It’s not compulsory for him to go to school. He ............. to school.
9. You have to wash the dishes. You ...................... the dishes.
10. This is very good champagne. Drink some. You ....... some of this champagne.

H. Put in must or mustn’t

1. You ……………………. make any noise. The baby is sleeping.
2. You ……………………. smoke if you want to be healthy.
3. You …………………………. do your homework regularly.
4. We …………………………. go to the stadium early or we can’t go in.
5. You …………………………. chew gums during the lesson.
6. Little children ………………………. stay late.
7. You ……………………. switch off your mobile phone on the plane.
8. You ……………………. play with matches.

Prepositions of time : in, on, at

parts of the day
in the morning
at noon, at night
in May
in spring
in 1998
in the 1980s
in the twentieth century

on 19 May
days of the week
on Monday

on Monday morning
‘ special ’ day
on my birthday

at 8.00
at the weekend

A. Fill in the blanks with in / on / at :
1.She gets up …. seven o’clock every morning.
2.The elections were …………..April 18th 1999.
3.The concert is ……………….. October.
4.The schools start …………….. June.
5.Dinner is ……. 8 p.m.
6.The film will start …… 9 o’clock …….. the evening.
8.My birthday is ………..29th of October.

B) Fill in prepositions of time “AT / IN / ON” as in the example:

1. .. on … Saturday 8. ………… 9 o’clock 15. ………… autumn
2. ………. July 9. ………… Christmas 16. ……….. half past two
3. ………. 1984 10. ………… September 28th 17. ………… Monday morning
4. ………. March 25th 11…………. 1991 18. ………… Easter
5. ………. Friday 12. ……….. August 29th 19. …………10 o’clock
6. ………. summer 13. ……….. winter 20. …………Thursday afternoon
7. ………. the morning 14. ……….. the evening 21. ………… noon

C) Fill in “AT / IN / ON” as in the example:

1. …in….. December 6. ………… February 8th 11. ………… a quarter past six
2. ………. midnight 7. ………… noon 12. ………… Saturday night
3. ………. 1982 8. ………… 1964 13. ………... Friday evening
4. ………. April 9. ………… spring 14. ……….. Monday
5. ………. April 2nd 10. ……….. night 15. ……….. June 26th

D) Fill in the blanks with “AT / IN / ON” as in the example:

1. We always go on holiday ….. in ……. summer.
2. My mother usually goes shopping …………….. Friday morning.
3. I always do my homework ……………… the evening.
4. The circus usually comes to our town ………………. spring.
5. Sophia’s birthday is …………… May 16th .
6. I usually get up ……………….. seven o’clock.
7. My favorite television programme begins ……6:30 … the evening.
8. Sometimes it snows ……………….. winter.
9. My friend’s birthday is ……………… June.
10. Some birds and animals come out ……………… night.


We use the past perfect tense *to describe an action which took place in
the past before another past action.
e.g. She said that she had seen that film.

the past perfect
the simple past
time of speaking (now)

I learnt English. (1) I learnt German.(2)
First I learnt English.
Then I learnt German.
I learnt German after I had learnt English.
I had learnt English before I learnt German.

Past perfect

a. They saw the house.(1) They decided to buy it.(2)
b. After they had seen the house (1) they decided to buy it.(2)
*Both actions (saw/decided )belong to the past. The time reference is not apparent but the speaker knows when it happened. That’s why in (a) the verbs in each sentence, are in the past simple (ref. to past).
*But in sentence (b) we have joined the two sentences using after and doing so, we have chosen to contrast two actions belonging to the past (ref. to past) we want to show that action (1) happened before action (2).
*The tense used to show that something in the past was completed before another time in the past is called past perfect.

had + V
past participle

Examples of use with - to learn (irregular verb) :

I had learnt/you had learnt/he had learnt/she had learnt
We had learnt/They had learnt

A. Join the following sentences using the words in brackets
and put the verbs into the correct tense (past perfect)

After he had left the cinema he went to the cafeteria.1.He (leave) the cinema.(1) He (go) to the cafeteria. (2) (after) ...................................................................
2.She (tell) me his name. (1) He(leave).(2) after) .................................................................
3.They (arrive).(1) The dinner already (2) (begin).(when) ...................................................................
4.He (be) in Turkey.(1) He soon (remember) all he (2) (learn).(when) ...................................................................
5.We( learn )English.(1) ( We (leave) for New Zealand. (2) (before) ............................................................
6.She (leave).(1) I (want) to see her again. (2) (as soon as) .........................................
7.You (post) the letter? (1) You (write) it.(2) (after) ................................................................

B. Supply the past tense (past simple or past perfect)
The room was much smaller than she had thought at first.1.The room (be) much smaller than she (think) at first.
2.The little boy (ask) what (happen) to his bicycle. ...............................................................
3.I (can not) help thinking that I (see) them somewhere before. ...............................................................
4.It (seem) ages since the ship (set off). ................................
5.We (worry) a lot before we (hear) that he was out of trouble. ..........................................................


1. I …………………. (worry) a lot about her before I ……………………….. (hear) that she was safe.
2. I I didn’t like the flat. It …………………….. (be) much smaller than I ………………….. (think) at first.
3. He told us he ………………………….. (shoot) a big tiger.
4. They ……………………….. (drink) tea after they ………………………. (finish) dinner.
5. She ……………. just ……………….. (fold) the pink apron and placed it in a table drawer when the door …………………………… (open) and Joe ………………. (enter).
6. The police wanted to know why he …………………………….. (bring) a gun to school.
7. After he ………………………………. (work) at the hospital for two years he ………….. (decide) to give up the job.
8. When I …………………………. (arrive) at the party John ……………. already ……….. (go) home.
9. We ………………………… (wait) until the match …………………………….. (finish).
10. They …………………………… (leave) the room before the meeting …………………… (finish).
11. I ……………………………….. (buy) a new camera before I …………………. (go) to London.
12. I ……………….. just ………………… (turn off) the lights when the telephone ………… (ring).


1. …………. he …………….. (know) her for a long time before they ……………………… (get) married?
2. He ………………………………. (drive) down the hotel where they ……………………. (spend) their honeymoon years ago.
3. When we ………………………… (get) to the station the train …………………………... (already / leave).
4. He …………………………. (sit) at a table by the window where he …………………….. (have) a meal with Jane.
5. Why ………………. he ………………… (not / ask) her to wait and think again before she ………………………….. (leave) Paris.
6. He was wondering why he ………………………………… (let) her leave so easily.
7. He knew he ………………………………… (earn) that money with a great difficulty.
8. After they …………………………… (go), he …………………….. (sit) down and ……………………… (light) a cigarette.
9. He ………………………….. (have to) go to work by bus because his car ………………. (break) down.
10. He …………………………… (angry) before he ……………………… (hear) my offer.

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