
3/C-D 3.QUIZ



A. Complete the sentences by adding a subject and a helping verb. ( 5 points each )

1) ...................................drive very fast, should you?
2) ...................................swimming in the pool, weren't they?
3) ...................................drink lot of tea, don't I?
4) ...................................go to Atakule, shall we?
5) ...................................very intelligent wasn't he?

B. Complete the tag questions( 5 points each )

1. It’s very hot, ……………………………………?
2. He always plays silly tricks, ……………………………………?
3. They went home early last night, ……………………………………?
4. You’re coming with us, ……………………………………?
5. She’s not staying here, ……………………………………?

C. Write the responses by using neither..., so........., .........either, ........ too. ( 5 points each )
Example: I don’t like Mozart’s music. I/either I don’t like Mozart’s music either.

1. My brother likes football. So/my sister ..............................
2. I’m not hungry. Neither/she ............................................
3. Maria wants to go swimming. I/too ................................
4. He was born in London. So/Tina .....................................
5. Australians speak English. So/Canadians ...........................
6. I’ve never been to Chicago. Neither/he ....................................
7. We build our house ourselves. George/too ...................................
8. I haven’t got a girlfriend. Neither/my friend............................
9. We don’t like this hotel. Neither/that man ......................................
10. The Swiss make expensive watches. The Japanese/too ……............

Best of Luck
Teacher of English

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