


A) Rewrite these sentences using LET'S in positive and in negative forms
Study English tonight, a) Let's study English tonight, b) Let's not study English tonight.
1) Visit my uncle today, a)_________________ b)____________
2) Do homework now. a) _______________b) _____________
3) Watch television tonight, a) _______________ b) _____________
B) Complete the dialogue using LET'S / SHALL / WHY DON'T
1) A: We haven't got anything to eat at home. ____________ go out for dinner.
B: OK. __________ we go to the fish restaurant on the corner?
A: I'm sorry we can't. You know, I don't like fish. _________ we go to the self-service
Restaurant on the Main Street? It's cheap and clean.
B: That's good idea. What time _______we leave home?
A: Is seven o clock OK? B: Yes, it's OK.
2) A: We haven't got anything to do this evening. ________ we go to the cinema?
B: l m sorry. I can't go out in the rain. There's a good film on TV. _____ we stay-at home
and watch it?
A: Oh. no! We watch TV every night.
B: _______ play chess then. You like playing chess.
A: What a good idea,______ play before the film?
B: All right.
C) COMPLETE THE SENTENCES The children are playing basketball today, but tomorrow they are going to play football.
1- I am riding a bicycle this year, but next year I ________ a motorcycle.
2- We're travelling by car at the moment, but next month we ________ by plane.
3- This summer they're swimming in the swimming pool, but next summer they ______
in the sea.
4- Tom's busy now, but tomorrow he __________ free.
5- My father's at the office now, but in two hours he ________ at home.
6- Now he's having a sandwich in a cafeteria, but tonight he____________ meat and rice in a restaurant.
7- She's wearing a uniform now, but after school she ________ a dress.
8- Jack's at home today, but tomorrow he _______ in class.
Are you doing your homework now? No, I'm not. I am going to do it tonight.
1- Is your mother wearing her new skirt now?
No, she___________. She _______ tomorrow.
2- Are you leaving home now?
No, I ______________. I______ in a few minutes.
3- Are you going to the camp now?
No, we ______________. We _______ next week.
4- Is your room hot now?
No, it _____________. It ________ in half an hour.
5- Is Mr Brown fit now?
No. he ____________. He ______ in six months.
6- Is your mother washing up now?
No, she ___________. She ________ tomorrow morning.
7- Is your father going abroad today?
No, he _____________. He ___________ in two days.
8- Are you saving money?
No, I____________. I _________ after the holiday.
9- Are your parents going on holiday now?
No, they _____________. They _____ next month.
10- Are you reading the letter now?
No, I __________________. I __________ later.
E) MAKE SENTENCES USING going to future
1- children / play / basketball / garden / tomorrow afternoon
2- she / fly / New York / next week?
3- my family / take / a boat / Italy / next weekend.
4- you/ meet / girlfriend / your / airport / tonight?
5- when / you / leave / home / today?
6- my father / not / be / here / tomorrow / because / he / drive / Ankara / in two hours.
1- She must feed the baby.
a) at the moment:
b) soon:
2- Jim often borrows money from the bank.
a) right now:
b) next week:
3- Fred's flying to Italy now.
a) every year:
b) two days ago:
4-Jane's going to take her dog for a walk.
a) sometimes:
b) now:
5- Can the police look for the kidnappers?
a) at the moment:
b) always:
6- My sister’s going to do her hair.
a) often:
b) now:
What's Fred going to do tomorrow? He is going to fix his car.
1- Mary / clean the house / this afternoon.

2- Dan / play cricket / tomorrow morning.

3- Henry / go to the concert / tomorrow evening.

4- Mr. And Mrs. Smith / go to the beach / tomorrow.

5- Sally / do the housework / tomorrow morning.

6- Mr. Foster / give a lecture / next week.

7- Tina / plant flowers / next Saturday.

8- Carol and Terry / wash the clothes / tonight.

H) WRITE THE SENTENCES Carol is going away for the weekend. Write about what she is going to do.
4-_____________________a detective story.
6-______________________a sunbath.
7- ___________________ postcards.
8- ____________________ by train.
1- David is going to call his uncle. He isn't going to call his mother.
2- Tim is going to dance with Lucy. _________ Julie.
3- I'm going to go swimming. _________ skating.
4- Jane is going to cook spaghetti. ______ a pizza.
5- I m going to study English. _________French.
6- They are going to play soccer. _______ tennis.
1- He's going to go to the bank.
Where ______________?
2- Linda is going to study English tonight.
When ________________?
3- I'm going to visit my grandmother next week.
4-They are going to go sailing next summer.
5- He's going to eat at a Chinese restaurant.
Where _________________?
6- I'm going to call the doctor because my sister is sick.
Why ____________________?
7-We are going to play cards tonight.
8-It's going to be sunny this week.
Steven Wilson is a businessman. He lives in New York, but he travels around the world. Although he has a lot of meetings, he finds time to enjoy himself. Next March he's going to go to Rome. He s going to listen to Italian music there. Next May he's going to go to London. He's going to visit Madamme Tussaud's. Next July he and his family are going to go Istanbul. He's going to swim and have a sunbath. His wife is going to go shopping. She's going to buy some souvenirs.
1- Where does Steven Wilson live?
2- Why does he travel a lot?
3- When is he going to go to Rome?
4- What's he going to do there?
5- Where is he going to be next May?
6- What's he going to do there?
7- When are Steven and his family going to go to Istanbul?
8- What is he going to do there? What about his wife?

L. Write again without changing the meaning
1. let’s go to the park ( Why don’t we )

2. Will you read this book? ( Would )

3. Can you play on the computer? ( What about )

4. May I watch the video you hired? ( mind )

5. May I use your telephone? ( mind if )

6. Why don’t you drink something? ( prefer )

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