
QUIZ 1 (3/C-D)


A. Complete the sentences using ‘look’, ‘look like’ or ‘as though’
1. Do you feel good yourself? You …………………… terrible
2. I think you didn’t sleep well. You look ……………………… you hadn’t slept.
3. My house is full of guests. It ……………………. a hotel.
4. My cousin and his brother have almost the same face. He ……………. his brother.
5. If you have your hair cut, you ………………younger.
6. Nobody is smoking here. It smells …………………something is burning.
7. Did you study late last night? You ……………………… sleepy.

B.Use the SIMPLE: PAST or the PAST PROGRESSIVE in the following blanks.
1. My brother and sister (argue) ……………… about something when I (walk) ………………… into the room.
2. I don't want to go to the zoo today because it is raining. The same thing happened yesterday. I (want, not) ………………… to go to the zoo because it (rain) ……………………….
3. I (call) …………………Roger at nine last night, but he (be, not) …………………… at home. He (study) ………………… at the library.
4. I (hear, not) ………………… the thunder during the storm last night because I (sleep) ……………….
5. Stanley (climb) ……………… the stairs when he (trip) ………………and (fall) ….…………….
6. While Mrs. Emerson (read) ………………… the little boy a story, he (fall) ………………… asleep
7. I (slip) ………………on the ice while I (cross) ………………the street in front of the dorm.
8. When Tommy went to his friends' house, the boys (sleep, not) …………………
9. While Ted (shovel) ……………… snow from his driveway yesterday, his wife (bring) ………………… him a cup of hot chocolate.

C. Use ‘should, ought or had better’
1. It's cold today. You………………wear a coat when you go out.
2. The film starts at 8.30. You………………go now or you'll be late.
3. Everybody ……………… to brush the teeth.
4. I have an appointment in ten minutes. I…………… not stay more or I'll be late.
5. You ………………study your lessons hard.
6. I think everybody………………learn a foreign language.
7. I ………………. get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do.

D. Put the verb in the correct form, present continuous or present simple.
1. Let's go out. It ………………..(not/rain) now.
2. Julia is very good at languages. She …………… (speak) four languages very well.
3. Hurry up! Everybody……………………. (wait) for you.
4. We usually ………………..(grow) vegetables in our garden.
5. Ron……………..(stay) at the Park Hotel at the moment. He………………(always/stay) there.
6. The train is never late. It often …………………..(leave) on time
P.S: Each right answer is 2.5 points
Cemalettin ŞENER
Teacher of English

A1 look
2.as though
3. looks like
4. looks like
5. looks
6. as though
7. look
B.1 were arguing-walked
2.didn’t want-was raining
3.called-wasn’t-was studying
4.didn’t hear-was sleeping
5.was climbing-tripped-fell
6.was reading-fell
7.slipped-was crossing
8.weren’t sleeping
9. was shoveling-brought
C1. had better
2. had better
3. ought
4. had better
5. should
6. should
7. had better
D1. isn’t raining
3.is waiting
5.is staying-always stays

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yav birazda bartılımş bu Quiz işleriiiiiiiii çok yogun yav nolur bukadar fazla sormayınnn :))hahahahahahahhahahah

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