
Should, ought to, had better (3-C/D)

Should, ought to, had better

1. Complete these sentences with should or ought. Use a negative – shouldn’t/oughtn’t where necessary.
1. “I’ve got toothache.” “You ................. go to the dentist.”
2. “I feel tired.” “You ............... to sleep longer.”
3. “I don’t like studying.” “You ............... to leave school.”
4. “I’m getting fat.” “You ................. eat less chocolate.”
5. “My sister can’t sleep.” “She ................. take sleeping pills.”
6. “My brother wants to be a policeman.” “He ....... ask for information.”
7. “My dog’s got bad teeth.” “You ..... to give him chocolates and biscuits.”
8. “There’s a hole in the roof.” “You ........ pay someone to repair it.”
9. “I can’t sleep after I go to the cinema.” “You ..... watch horror films.”
10. “The teacher punished me for not telling the truth.” “You ... to tell lies.”

2. Choose the correct answer from A, B, C and D.
1. We’ve used all the soap. We .................... buy some more.
A. better B. ’d better C. would better D. should be
2. I’ve got an exam tomorrow, so I .................... study hard.
A. should to B. ought C. ought to D. better
3. She .................... change her hairstyle.
A. better B. ought C. should to D. had better
4. Famous sports stars .................... behave well in public.
A. ought B. should to C. ought to D. ought have
5. .................... to finish the homework by Friday?
A. Do I ought B. Do I should C. Should I D. Ought I
6. It’s a very expensive watch. You .................... break it.
A. ’d better B. ’d better not C. better not D. ought not
7. I think you .................... leave your boyfriend.
A. should B. ought C. would better D. better
8. .................... the government spend more on education?
A. Ought B. Should C. Had D. Ought to
9. You .................... stop smoking.
A. should to B. ought C. would better D. had better
10. She hates her job. She .................... change it.
A. should better B. had better C. better should D. ought

3. In each sentence, fill the gaps with one Past Continuous verb and one Past Simple verb. Use the verbs in brackets.
1. While I .......... for the bus, I ......... my friend Charles. (meet/wait)
2. She .......... dinner when the telephone .............. . (cook/ring)
3. It ......... to rain while they ........... in the garden. (sit/begin)
4. While she ........ home, she ......... an accident. (have/drive)
5. While we ....... TV, the cat ............ the dinner. (steal/watch)
6. I ....... a letter when my friend .......... into the room. (write/come)
7. The robber ........ the window while she ....... upstairs. (sleep/break)
8. The computer .......... down while he ......... an e-mail. (break/write)
9. When I ...... Angela, she .......... with her boyfriend. (quarrel/see)
10. While they ........ a video, Mum ....... lunch. (watch/cook)

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Adsız dedi ki...

ayyyyyyyyy bu süper olmuş.Çok iyi olmuş.Teşekkür ederim :D :D :D

ozdenicen dedi ki...

Hocammmmmmmm burası çok güzel olmuşşşş.Bizim zamanımızda neden yoktu böyle bir şey...(Yeni arkadaşarım kıymetini bilin).saygılarımla...öZzZO..